Die Developer Cloud Roadshow: 11. Dezember, Microsoft Österreich

On Cloud Nine - The Developer Roadshow

Wer kommenden Mittwoch, den 11. Dezember 2013, noch nichts vor hat, und in der Nähe von Wien wohnt, sollte unbedingt bei "On Cloud Nine – The Developer Roadshow" vorbeischauen.

Bei dieser Veranstaltung werden anhand von Demos konkrete Szenarien vorgestellt, wie Windows Azure gewinnbringend eingesetzt werden kann.

Die Veranstaltung wird gemischt in Deutscher und Englischer Sprache abgehalten.


Session Title Abstract Level/Audience
How the Cloud Super-Charges Development
The Cloud offers many benefits – Agility, Scale, Resilience and Economies of Scale chief among them. In this keynote we will discuss the benefits of the five most exciting cloud scenarios for developers available today. Level 100
45 Minutes
Scenario 1:
The Cloud Developer Desktop
Most of the world's nearly 15 million developers continue to use desktop IDEs as their workbench of choice. Why hasn’t the development environment moved to the cloud along with just about every other application? Find out more about the benefits of hosting your IDE in the cloud in this session. Level 200
45 Minutes
Scenario 2:
Using Cloud Development/Test Sandbox Environments
Develop Windows Server or Linux applications on Virtual Machines. Spin up Virtual Machines from a single core to eight cores, from less than 1 Gb to 56 Gb in less than 10 minutes and begin developing or testing right away. Let Windows Azure instantly scale with your development/testing needs. Level 200
45 Minutes
Scenario 3:
Scaling the ALM infrastructure using the Cloud
Continuous Integration (CI) requires a very powerful build infrastructure or compiling your solution will take too long to be of use. By offloading build activities into the cloud, you can scale indefinitely – builds that took hours can now be completed in minutes! Level 300
45 Minutes
Scenario 4:
ALM in the Cloud with Team Foundation Service
Plan projects, collaborate with your team, and manage your code online from anywhere. Go from “Sign up” to first project in minutes, and set up a Continuous Integration (CI) build in a few easy steps. Your source code and work items are stored in the cloud, making physical server configuration a thing of the past. Level 200
45 Minutes
Scenario 5:
Building Cloud Applications with Windows Azure
“The” classic cloud scenario: building and hosting your web application or application backend/services on Windows Azure! Find out what is new for Azure developers and how Visual Studio speeds up Cloud development with new tools and features. Level 300
45 Minutes

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Time Machine Backups nach Microsoft Azure

Seit einigen Jahren verwende ich eine Apple Time Capsule, um meine Time Machine Backups an einem zentralen Ort speichern zu können. Bislang hatte das für mich auch vollkommen ausgereicht. Seitdem ich jedoch immer mehr unterwegs bin, habe ich nach einer Lösung gesucht, die ich auch von unterwegs nutzen kann. In diesem Blog Post zeige ich deshalb, wie man Time Machine Backups nach Microsoft Azure machen kann.